Living these moments to the fully triggers something inevitable: the will to protect these fascinating creatures for the long term; these beings that are inevitably disrupted by human activities, by the destruction of their habitats and by climate change.
A testamentary gift is an excellent way to continue protecting what you cherish so much today.
Why make a testamentary gift?
Not only is a testamentary gift a concrete expression of your values and your love for the environment, it also has many tax benefits. This donation method may allow you to make a larger donation than you are currently able to do, while still allowing your estate to save significant amounts on the taxes owed after your death.
If you are planning to make a testamentary donation to the Ecomuseum Zoo you can, if you so desire, inform us so that we may thank you appropriately and register your gift with the Ecomuseum Zoo’s Heritage Circle. At your discretion this donation can also remain entirely anonymous.
Concretely your donations will be used to support future development of the Ecomuseum Zoo: important conservation projects in the wild, extended reach of our education program and animal well-being standards are and will be at the heart of our priorities for the coming years.
How to proceed?
It is very simple to add the Ecomuseum Zoo to your will. Here follows the basic information you will need:
Legal name of entity: Saint-Lawrence Valley Natural History Society
Registered charitable number: 13158 1761 RR 0001
Address : 21125 chemin Sainte-Marie, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec, H9X 3Y7
For more information on all planned giving and testamentary gifts to the Ecomuseum Zoo, contact the administrative services team at the Ecomuseum Zoo at alisson.weiss@ecomuseum.ca, or 514 457-9449 ext. 114