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The Ecomuseum Zoo

Discovering Québec’s wildlife!
In this page
The Ecomuseum Zoo is the one and only outdoor zoo on the island of Montréal.

Here, you will discover species from Québec exclusively: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish from our region anxiously await your visit in an institution devoted to their well-being.

The animals that reside at the Ecomuseum Zoo each have a unique story. You will meet, throughout your visit, residents that were orphaned, rehabilitated or born under professional human care. Each living space is a faithful replication of the animal’s natural environment to ensure their comfort and well-being. Take the time to search for them and observe their behavior: you will be nothing less than fascinated!

The Ecomuseum Zoo is a non-profit organization whose mission rests on three guiding pillars: environmental education, wildlife conservation and animal well-being. The zoo is accredited by CAZA-AZAC (Canada’s Accredited Zoos and Aquariums), an organization that ensures excellence in animal care, management, education, research and conservation within all Canada’s accredited zoological institutions.

Institutions muséales's logo
Institutions muséales

The Ecomuseum Zoo is proud to have obtained accredited institution status for museums awarded by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (MCC) on behalf of the government of Québec. Accreditation provides guarantees for the general public of the quality of museum establishments and represents notable governmental acknowledgment in the application of internationally recognized standards with respect to museological practices and the protection and enhancement of our heritage.

Montreal Tourism'S logo
Montreal Tourism

The Ecomuseum Zoo is very proud to be a member of Tourisme Montréal and to have its support in many projects aimed at the highest standards of quality customer experience.

Logo Fonds de recherche Société et culture
Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation

The Ecomuseum Zoo would like to thank the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation for its financial support as a science-based institution.

Clinique vétérinaire Wizoo

The Ecomuseum Zoo is very grateful to be able to count on the support of the Wizoo veterinary clinics, of which our chief veterinarian Dre Sarah Annie Guénette is the founder and owner. Wizoo was created to make essential services more accessible than ever to pet owners, while dramatically reducing their average bill. To learn more about Wizoo, click here.

Positions to fill
The Ecomuseum Zoo is looking for dynamic and motivated people!

Find out about the current openings just here! Spontaneous application? Send your resume and cover letter so that we can keep your information in our bank of candidates!

Please send your resume to :

Madame Marguerite Lacelle

Administrative assistant - Human resources

Only the candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Contribute to the cause
Thanks to your contributions, the Ecomuseum Zoo can continue its objectives of excellence in animal welfare.
Contribute to the cause
Our educational program
The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Our conservation initiatives
Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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