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Green frog

Wood turtle


Glyptemys (Clemmys) insculpta

Fact Sheet
A family tree that is quite bear
Wood Turtle
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I am not a prolific species, although I can reach a respectable age. During my adult life, I will add to my lineage, if all goes well, two individuals that will grow to adulthood. Not complicated to draw my family tree!
Capacités physiques
Baby turtles are contortionists!
Wood Turtle
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Capacités physiques
Baby turtles are veritable contortionists. At birth, they are 4 cm in length. How do they occupy the inside of an egg that is 3 cm long x 2 cm wide for several months? They are folded in half!
Did you know?
The wood turtle dances to attract its favorite meal!
Wood Turtle
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Did you know?
Indeed I stomp my feet on the ground to lure earthworms. I am thus imitating the rain that falls to get them out of their tunnels.
Wood Turtle
Reptiles sensitive to human activities

Turtles are very sensitive to human activities. Cars, boats and construction that destroys their habitat are all factors that threaten their survival. Click to discover what the Ecomuseum Zoo is doing to help!

Wood Turtle
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Wood Turtle
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Our educational program
The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Our conservation initiatives
Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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