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Ecomuseum Zoo's Executive Director David Rodrigue


The Ecomuseum Zoo's Executive Director honored by the MFFP

April 22nd, 2015, by Ecomuseum Zoo
Today is Earth Day! And we’ve chosen this special day to let you in on a little secret that brings us great pride.

Just a few weeks ago, the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Loi sur les espèces menacées ou vulnérables.

During the celebrations our Executive Director, David Rodrigue, was honored to receive an MFFP Honorary Award for his outstanding contribution to research and to education related to threatened and vulnerable wildlife species. The recognition speaks for itself.

For many years now the Ecomuseum Zoo has been a veritable reference in matters of research and conservation of Québec’s reptile and amphibian populations. This is not unrelated to the fact David is a noted expert in the field, having worked precisely in this area for almost 25 years.

A biologist specialized in herpetology with a master in business administration, he is one of the few that pioneered efforts to protect reptiles and amphibians in the province. At the time, these small misunderstood creatures were not valued and received little attention. It is thanks to people like David Rodrigue that these species are now recognized as important components of Québec’s vast biodiversity. Proud, you better believe it!

Still member of the provincial consultative committee for the designation of threatened species, he counts numerous participations in various provincial species recovery teams. He also co-authored the Guide des amphibiens et reptiles du Québec et des maritimes, a true reference on the matter.

These are but a few of his accomplishments. Of course there are many that we cannot list here as this article would be far too long, believe us. Truly passionate about the environment and wildlife, the list of fieldwork, scientific articles, lectures and seminars is lengthy. Perhaps it is simpler to remember that education and the sharing of knowledge has always occupied a preeminent position in the endeavors of our Executive Director. It is no small coincidence that education, research and conservation remain today the three fundamental pillars of the Ecomuseum Zoo’s mission. These pillars, establish at the foundation of the zoo in 1988, are still relevant today. Because our ED believes in them strongly. As do we, thanks to him.

As they say, the apple doesn���t fall far from the tree. Even in the case of an organization and its leader, don't you think?

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