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Ecomuseum Zoo visitors looking at a deer

Other Ways Of Donating

The Ecomuseum Zoo is a registered charity that pursues its mission thanks to the generosity of its donors and volunteers.

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Your donations are very important to us and allow the Ecomuseum Zoo to provide unique experiences to its visitors each year. Your contribution furthermore contributes to the zoo's high standards of excellence in animal well-being and enriches the educational activities offered to the 35,000 children who participate in the zoo's educational program each year.

There are different ways to donate to the Ecomuseum Zoo. While further information regarding one-time donations, monthly donations and planned giving can be found in the links below, here are a few other ways to give the Ecomuseum Zoo:

Gifts of shares, stock options and other capital property

To help us raise awareness of environmental issues within the community you may wish to explore the idea of donating shares or other market securities.

Under federal and provincial tax rules, any donation of publicly traded market securities to a registered charity such as the Ecomuseum Zoo, allows for a total exemption from capital gains tax. For anyone holding publicly traded equity assets, this type of donation is usually much more advantageous than a cash donation.

For more information on this type of donation or to obtain the appropriate documentation to provide your broker, please contact the administrative services team at the Ecomuseum Zoo, at 514 457-9449 ext. 114, or at

Life insurance

Many people have discovered that they can make a significant donation to the Ecomuseum Zoo through a life insurance policy. This type of donation provides several benefits:

  • You can make a large charitable donation
    by paying a comparatively small insurance premium;
  • You can become an important benefactor without delay, instead of waiting years before making a donation from accumulated assets;
  • You get tax benefits and you avoid taxes, probate fees and administrative fees that can reduce the value of your donation;
  • You make a donation in complete confidentiality;
  • You can choose to establish an endowment fund in your name with the death benefit.

For more information on this type of donation, please contact the administrative services team at the Ecomuseum Zoo, at 514 457-9449 ext. 114,
or at

Donation in memoriam

Have you recently lost a loved one? Would you like to honor someone who is dear to you? If you know that the Ecomuseum Zoo had a special place in the heart of someone important to you, why not donate in his or her memory or in his or her honor?

What better way to honor the memory of a loved one than to contribute to the education and conservation efforts of the Ecomuseum Zoo?
The gesture of giving is a great way to highlight a person's achievements and have a lasting impact both at the Ecomuseum Zoo and in the community.

Upon receipt of your donation, we will send you an official receipt for tax purposes and a card will be mailed to the person or persons you have designated in recognition of your gesture.

To proceed, it's quite easy. Simply fill our online donation form and tell us if you are donating in memory of a loved one.

For more information on this type of donation, please contact the administrative services team at the Ecomuseum Zoo, at 514 457-9449 ext. 114,
or at

Contribute to the cause
Thanks to your contributions, the Ecomuseum Zoo can continue its objectives of excellence in animal welfare.
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Our educational program
The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Our conservation initiatives
Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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