Sponsor an animal
It's easy: become a sponsor by donating to the Ecomuseum Zoo Sponsorship Program! Every dollar received contributes directly to the cost of long-term care of the animals in our care.
Fill out the form below (Canada only), choosing the animal you wish to sponsor and taking care to complete all the fields. If you need help choosing which animal to sponsor, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will be happy to help you.
Once the form has been completed and your donation received, we will acknowledge receipt of your sponsorship application and you will receive your certificate by email or by mail, depending on the package chosen. A delay of 10 open days is required to complete the sponsorship request (excluding shipping delays if applicable).
Animals can be sponsored for a one year period, and monies donated are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
On behalf of all the furry, feathery and scaly residents at the zoo we thank you in advance for your donation and we invite you to visit the animals soon!
If questions arise please don’t hesitate to contact us by telephone at 514 457-9449 or by email at info@ecomuseum.ca.