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American KestrelAmerican Kestrel

Bird of prey

Falco Sparverius

Fact sheets
Physical appearance
It’s Québec’s smallest falcon.
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Physical appearance
My reddish back, my maroon tail and my bluish wings make me the most colorful of all male raptors. I am also the smallest member of the falcon family. I have several cousins such as the Merlin, the Gyrfalcon and the best known of all, the Peregrine falcon.
They use unusual utensils.
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Take a good look at my bill. You will notice a small notch which is unique to the Falconids. It acts as a “tooth” which I use to quickly kill my prey and tear it apart.
Did you know?
Kestrel or rattle?
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Did you know?
I don’t really sing but I do have a peculiar call. What do you think my call sounds like? A trumpet, a whistle or a rattle? It sounds like this, “Clicliclicliclicli”. That’s right, a Kestrel sounds just like a rattle!
Physical abilities
The bird version of Michael Jackson’s « moonwalk »!
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Physical abilities
Along the roadside, perched very straight on a power line, I scan the ground while shaking my tail. I also hover in the air to locate my prey. I flap my wings rapidly, staying in the same position by fixing on a spot on the ground. In my opinion, I’ve got better moves than Michael Jackson and his “moonwalk”!

The American Kestrel is part of our educational program. This species is not visible to the public at all times, but it is possible to meet them during some of our educational activities.

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What to do if you find a bird in distress?

Throughout the year, it is possible to cross paths with a bird in distress: broken or damaged wing, collision with a vehicle or electrical wires, birds are often unlucky and face many dangers. If you find a bird in distress, contact the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs at 1-877-346-6763.

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The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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