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Lynx rufus

Cartes de faits
Range distribution
All-terrain adventurer!
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Range distribution
Bobcats can be found throughout North America, ranging from southern Canada, through the continental United States, all the way to northern Mexico. They are much less picky than their fellow North American lynx species, the Canada Lynx, and can adapt to many different habitats from forests and deserts to swamps and urban environments.
A solitary and territorial feline
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Unlike other felines, such as Lions and Cheetahs, the Bobcat generally lives alone and fiercely defends its territory. The span of its territory varies widely based on the density of bobcats in the region and the availability of prey.
An opportunistic hunter
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Bobcats adapt their menu based on the available resources. They mainly feed on small mammals, such as rabbits and rodents, but can also attack larger prey, such as young or weakened deer. Able to take advantage of every opportunity, they can even eat carrion to survive in a variety of environments!
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