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Eastern milk snake

Lampropeltis T. Triangulum

Fact sheets
In French I am called « couleuvre tachetée” which means spotted snake. Quite on point don’t you think?
milk snake appearance
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That francophone name, as you might guess, comes from the five rows of irregular spots on my body. These spots, each brown or red rimmed with black, decorate my grey or pale brown body. You can perhaps also see a pale spot in the shape of a V, Y or even a spearhead on the top of my head.
Did you know?
Even my English name « Milk Snake » is very a propos!
milk snake did you know
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Did you know?
Farmers long believed that I drank cows' milk, hence my name. It is rather the small rodents that are often found on farmlands that attracted us to the barns!
An uncommon species in Québec
milk snake distribution
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We are uncommon in Québec, confined to the extreme south-west. Urban development and the density of the road network unfortunately do not help our survival.
milk snake portrait
Harmless snake!

Snakes are unfortunately often persecuted as a result of false beliefs about them. They are however essential for the ecological balance as they feed on small, often harmful prey. In Québec, no species of snake is venomous to humans! How lucky we are to have them around!

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