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Musk turtleMusk turtle


Sternotherus odoratus

Fact sheet
Very rare in Québec and difficult to observe
Musk turtle
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I am a very discreet species since I spend most of my time underwater, which makes my observation difficult. I am very rare in Québec, only a few observations have been made in recent years.
Did you know?
Its name comes from its peculiar smell!
Musk turtle
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Did you know?
What, my smell is also my defense! When you handle me I produce a musk that does not smell like roses. It’s helpful to discourage predators ... or humans that are too curious!
Physical abilities
A useful little door!
Musk turtle
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Physical abilities
One of my peculiarities is that I have a small hinge on the front part of my breastplate. It allows me to partially close my shell when I want to hide and be safe!
Musk turtle
Reptiles sensitive to human activities

Turtles are very sensitive to human activities. Cars, boats and construction that destroys their habitat are all factors that threaten their survival. Click to discover what the Ecomuseum Zoo is doing to help!

Tortue musquée
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Musk turtle
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The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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