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Golden Eagle

Aigle Royal

Anne Paquette
Diana Ochschim
Marie-Claude Barbier

Black crowned night heron

Black crowned night heron

Céline Mondor
Moses Susser

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Catriona Moore
Iain White
Kathleen Tondeur
Kim Martin

Rough-legged hawk

Rough-legged hawk

Benjamin Jalbert
Ludovic Brien
Nicolas Comtois
Nicholas Fower

Wood Duck

Wood Duck
© Photo : Claude Lafond

Anne Dodge
Margaret O'Connor T (lifelong commitment)



Caroline De Jaham (à vie)

White-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer

Adèle Deslauriers
Catherine Polson
Eli Tam Talbot
Lynn Ghosn
Tara Brennan

Barred Owl

Barred Owl

Charline Dreydemy
Éloîse Gaudreau
Florence Brien
In Loving memory of Steven Bider
Laurence Chartrand
Marie-Laure Légaré
Michael Neal



Brigitte Chrétien (lifelong commitment)
*No longer available to sponsor


Brown Snake

Caitlin Idziak
Caroline Lafond
Cory McFall
Dylan Owens
Eric Mech
Margot McGregor
Samanatha Idziak



Andrew White
Caterine Caron
Chantal Lagos
Damien Deslauriers
Emilie Elisabeth
En mémoire de Nicolas Lefebvre
Frederic Fleurent
Kimberly Mackay
William Brien

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey

Jérôme Provencher St-Pierre

Barn owl

Barn owl
© Photo : Claude Lafond

Aoife Weiss



Caroline Gagné

Fuligule à tête rouge

Red Head
© Photo : Claude Lafond

Nadia Pagé (lifelong commitment)

Common Raven


Alice Doucet (à vie)
Audrée Lavertu
Cannie Stark
Carol Meindl
Denise Wursch
Genevieve Dugay
Jacinthe Boisvert
Jade Rissoan
Mylène Pinard
Nancy Walkling
Simon Hébert
Simon-Luc Doucet
Vicki Cowan

Great-horned Owl

Great-horned Owl

Anthony Joseph
Fatou Milot-Kane
Gill and Tony Linsdell
Peter Goudreau
Stephanie Colford
William Zoltan Woodsworth

Green Frog

Green frog

Joseph Marsh

Hooded Merganser

Hooded Merganser

Catherine Berthoud
Charlotte Dolan

Gray Wolf

Gray Wolf

Barton Family
Clara Deslauriers
Efa Williams
Émile Garcia-Drolet
François Ladouceur
In memory of Dermot Campbell (à vie)
In memory of Kathleen Morag Ramsay
Katherine Steinbrenner
Lana Prentice
Leona Shepherdson
Liam Brault Hurteau
Lois Hopwood-Jones
Louis Rissoan
Smith Family

River Otter

River Otter

Audrey Kirouac
Blandine Robin
Cléo Etien
Eliane Thom
Emma Nayar
Evan Wong
Flora Delgado-Duruflé
Frank Vignal
Gerry & Nancy Hanson
Joseph Onorato
Julie Martin
Kathleen Morrissette
Les élèves de l'école secondaire Paul-Arsenau
Louise Dicaire
Michael Kehle
Molly Costello
Randy Brown
Sophie Huot

Canada Lynx

Canada Lynx

Andreas Kalogeropoulos
Armand Brebant-Racine
Béatrice Brings
Brielle Theriault
Christiane Richelmi
Colton Manitt-Walker
Denise Desjardins
Diana Ochschim
Elaine Barton
Fionn Weiss
Gail McLeod
Jon Manweiller
Lucie Paquin
Marianne Contreras
Molly Costello
Nana Mein
Ryan Bell
Sophie Langlois
Vallée Vikiève

Black Bear

Black Bear

Andréa Desruisseaux
Arsène Talbot
Bernard Foucher
Clara Tourigny Chapman
Diana Ochschim
Erika White
Famille Moschella-Léger
Groupe Papillons - CPE Deux-Montagnes
Jacob Hussey & Lilah Mullins
Jacqueline Biddle
John Forster
Nancy & Gerry Hanson
Papa Mein
Patrick Germain
Penny Muller
Pierre Berlioux
Thamineh M
Vincent Leduc



Catherine Raynault
Christelle Carrier
Diane Rose Proulx
James Costello
Jérémie Nellis
Louis-Marc Soyez
Simon-Luc Doucet

Flying Squirrel

Flying Squirrel

Anne-Marie Brassard (lifelong commitment)

*No longer available to sponsor

American Porcupine

American Porcupine
© Photo : Claude Lafond

Béatrice Clément
Elliot Stevens
Fatou Milo-Kane

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Karine et Hoodini Bélanger



Beth Dodwell
Brittany Penney
Camille Dupuis
Chelsea McCallister Nadler
Lawrence Ledoux-Hutchinson
Madison Melanson
Olivia Bachmann
Sami Dabouz
Simon Monière Abes
Steph Schreiber

Arctic Fox

Arctic Fox

Amanda Rodrigues
Amélie Dastous
Béatrice Bigras
Beatrix Drury Remz
Catherine Cyr
Danièle Laliberté
Elaine Barton
Eleanor Woodsworth
Éliane Dignard
Félix Nellis
Joëlle Grondin
Kristianne Bilodeau
Leanna Salt
Lia Isabel Nayar
Lynn McAlpine
Madame Aline Savard et sa classe les renards arctiques
Milo Weiss
Noemie Thériault
Rosalie Rousseau
Thomas Kyriakos
Zia Drolet

Red Fox

Red Fox

Diane Poirier
Frédéric Désilets
Gilbert Robin
John Chedid
Mélissa Plante
Nathalie Brind'amour
Robert Harris
Sylvie Leduc
Valérie Bujold
Vera Turko-Kulycky

Blue-Spotted Salamander

Blue-Spotted Salamander

Annabelle Jalbert
Solomon Susser

Yellow Spotted Salamander

Yellow Spotted Salamander

Melinda & Jamie Kecskes

Wood Turtle

Wood Turtle
© Photo : Claude Lafond

Simon Hébert

Map Turtle

Map Turtle

Angélianne Brin
Saël Dabo

Spiny Soft Shell Turtle

Spiny Soft Shell Turtle

Gabriel Cliche
Marie Villeneuve
Maude Méthot O'Dowd

Blanding’s turtle

Blanding’s turtle

Shruti Sirohi
Théo Ladouceur
Verane Bas

Musk Turtle

Musk Turtle

Charles Bouchard

Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

Anne Ledoux Maryeve Gaudreau
Susan Joseph

Snapping Turtle

Snapping Turtle

Andrea McMillan
Katya Borras
Kim Martin
Penny Muller

Red-Spotted Newt

Red-Spotted Newt

Isabelle Chabot

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The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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