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Wild Turkey

American Porcupine

Red fox

Erethizon Dorsatum

Québec’s « prickliest » animal!
illustration porcupine
Orange teeth that continuously grow
Back and tail dotted with more than 30,000 quills whose ends are creamy white
Strong claws
Dark brown to black fur
Fact sheet
The porcupine is a very efficient rodent!
rodent porcupine
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What can I say … I’m a rodent. I gnaw the bark off trees and I’m particularly fond of White Pine. With incisor teeth that never stop growing I must always have something to chew on; I am also the one who gnaws on antlers that have fallen on the ground – it’s how I get my calcium.
Not the biggest fan of winter!
porcupine winter
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I lead a solitary life except in winter when I’m likely to share my den and food with other porcupines. I do not hibernate. I am active during the winter. I am a very good climber and I’ll often spend the night in a tree.
Did you know?
The porcupine cannot throw its quills.
prickly porcupine
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Did you know?
I am slow and near-sighted, but I’m armed with nearly 30,000 quills on my body. Let’s get something straight - no it’s not true – I cannot launch my quills! But they do fall off very easily. When I pound my tail to intimidate you, some quills may fall off.
porcupine and visitors
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American Porcupine
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