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Black bearBlack bear


Ursus americanus

The Black Bear is one of Québec’s largest animal.
black bear sitting
Cinnamon, brown or black fur
Imposing size
Can have a white spot on its chest
Fur on the nose is more pale
Fact sheet
Physical appearance
Is the Black Bear always…black?
black bear
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Physical appearance
Even though I’m called the Black Bear, I sometimes have brown or even cinnamon colored fur.
A life made of simple pleasures...and it’s a lot of work!
black bear
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My life consists of eating and fattening up for a winter spent in my den. For me, eating is an obsession. To find a food source rich in fat I will travel hundreds of kilometers. I have an excellent memory, and I will then return to it year after year.
Did you know?
Does the Black Bear really hibernate?
black bear resting
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Did you know?
I sleep all winter, but I certainly can come out of my torpor. In fact, I give birth in January while still in my den. My cubs are tiny at birth. They weigh less than a squirrel! However, feeding on the extremely rich mother’s milk, they grow very rapidly.
Black Bears are victims of poaching.
black bear
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My gall bladder and paws are reputed by some to have medicinal and aphrodisiac properties. How ridiculous! This false belief has had disastrous consequences as it makes me a target for poachers. In some parts of the world, one dehydrated gall bladder will fetch up to $50,000! If you witness any act of poaching, do not hesitate to report it to the authorities.
Zoo Ecomuseum's black bear
Come see Genie the black bear!
Black bear
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