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Brown snakeBrown snake


Storeria dekayi dekayi

The most urban of Québec snakes!
brown snake
Body color ranges from beige to brown with two rows of black dots on its back.
25 to 35 cm in length
Round head
Dark coloration of the top of the head
Fact sheet
A small snake that is 100% Montrealer!
brown snake
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I am one of the smallest snake species found in Québec: adults measure between 25 and 35 cm. In Québec, I am only found in the greater Montréal area. Very shy, I try to hide or run away when I feel threatened.
Of paramount importance for ecological balance!
close up on a brown snake's head
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Ah yes! I eat mostly snails, worms and slugs, and I play an important role in balancing our ecosystems. I am also prey to several animals, such as crows, weasels or raccoons.
Its greatest threat? Urban development!
brown snake
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As I live in the greater Montréal area, incessant urban development is a great threat to my survival. In 10 years, nearly 21% of my habitats have disappeared!
close up on a brown snake's head
The Brown snake, a species protected by the Ecomuseum Zoo!

The Brown snake is a species that find itself in a precarious situation in Québec as a result of urban development. While the species does not yet have "official" threatened status, it is still likely to get the designation if its situation does not improve. The Ecomuseum Zoo team is working hard to protect the species.

brown snake
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Brown snake
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