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Corvus Corax

The Common Raven looks a lot like its close cousin, the American Crow!
Black feathers
Large pointy and strong beak
Long and pointy feathers on the neck
Black feet
Fact sheets
Physical appearance
A bird misunderstood by many!
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Physical appearance
Dark plumage, a raspy call, gregarious and aggressive behaviour – I’ve got what it takes to be misunderstood. For the longest time I was persecuted and wrongly accused of helping myself to your livestock and your crops.
Did you know ?
The star of many myths and legends.
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Did you know ?
I have always been a folk legend in many cultures. My voice and behaviors have been, in certain instances, associated with death and, in other instances, the messenger of predictions and prophecies. In Canada, I am the Yukon territory’s official bird.
Where can you observe the Common Raven?
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I generally avoid inhabited areas. I prefer mountainous sectors and escarpments. My cousin, the common crow, is the one who is found in more open and urban areas. Just the same, I can occasionally be found near cities, nesting on power pylons.
Physical abilities
« Bird brain »? Ravens are rather geniuses!
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Physical abilities
Numerous studies have shown that my problem-solving skills are superior to those of dogs! In fact, my capacity to learn, innovate, memorize and to maintain complex social interactions are comparable to those of large primates. So it goes without saying that I’m the Einstein of birds!
What to do if you find a bird in distress?

Throughout the year, it is possible to cross paths with a bird in distress: broken or damaged wing, collision with a vehicle or electrical wires, birds are often unlucky and face many dangers. If you find a bird in distress, contact the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs at 1-877-346-6763

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Common Raven
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