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gray ratsnakegray ratsnake


Elaphe spiloides

Fact sheets
Did you know?
It is THE only exception at the Ecomuseum Zoo!
gray ratsnake exception
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Did you know?
What makes me the only exception to the Ecomuseum Zoo? Quite simply, the fact that I am not found in Québec, but just across the Ontario border. I live in the Saint-Lawrence Valley but not quite in the province of Québec.
It kills its prey by constriction
gray ratsnake constriction
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Indeed, we wrap around our prey to smother it before eating it. In the case of small animals (like mice), we swallow them live, but larger prey is smothered before being swallowed. We also eat eggs, which are swallowed whole and broken in the esophagus.
Physical appearance
Canada’s biggest snake!
gray ratsnake appearance
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Physical appearance
Oh yes, and I am very proud of it! We can measure up to 190 cm. We can live from 25 to 30 years, not bad don’t you think!
Physical abilities
A snake that can climb, can that be true?
gray ratsnake climb
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Physical abilities
Ah yes, it can be! I am actually semi-arboreal. I like both mixed forests and open fields. That means I don’t necessarily climb very high in the trees but I often use trunks, stumps and crevices to escape predators or warmer temperatures.
gray ratsnake portrait
Harmless snake!

Snakes are unfortunately often persecuted as a result of false beliefs about them. They are however essential for the ecological balance as they feed on small, often harmful prey. In Québec (including our neighbour the Grey ratsnake), no species of snake is venomous to humans! How lucky we are to have them around!

gray ratsnake visit
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Grey ratsnake
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The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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