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Family : Cyprinidae

Fact sheets
Did you know?
Minnows are not baby fish!
méné - did you know
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Did you know?
It is often erroneous thought that minnows are simply young fish. Not true, even if we stay small our entire lives, we are a family in our own right! We do not exceed 15 cm in length.
Essential to the ecological equilibrium.
minnow role
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We are very numerous and present in many places in Québec. We are a prey of choice for many animals, including other fish that, unlike us because of our small size, are highly sought for fishing.
Identifying a minnow is quite the challenge!
minnow appearance
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We are very similar from one species to another. Among the distinguishing features allowing us to be differentiated from other fish is the absence of scales on our heads and dearth of teeth in our jaw. Now differentiating between each of us? Good luck!
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