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Bird of prey

Brown snake

Great-horned Owl

Black bear

Bubo Virginianus

The Great-horned owl is one of the most famous owls in Québec!
great-horned owl
Big yellow eyes
Hooked beak
Brown, white and black feathers
Ear tufts (protruding feathers) on top of the head
Powerful talons
Fact sheet
The tiger of the sky is no picky eater!
great-horned owl focused on prey
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A picky eater I am not, I’ll eat almost anything, even cats, skunks or smaller owls. I like to think I’m the tiger of the skies. That’s in fact why crows gang up on me and harass me loudly whenever they see me; to protect themselves.
A quite audacious roommate
great-horned owl focused on prey
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I often share my habitat with the Red-tailed hawk. The hawk hunts during the day while I hunt at night. It’s a good thing we don’t cross paths, since I even go as far as settling into the hawk’s nest while it’s still in the southern regions.
Very territorial!
Great-horned owl with attitude
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I am very territorial and quite intolerant of humans and other owls. If you approach my nest I become loudly vocal, even at a young age. I’ll clap my beak, spread my wings and rustle my feathers to frighten you away.
great-horned owl
What to do if you find a bird in distress?

Throughout the year, it is possible to cross paths with a bird in distress: broken or damaged wing, collision with a vehicle or electrical wires, birds are often unlucky and face many dangers. If you find a bird in distress, contact the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs at 1-877-346-6763

Great-horned Owl
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