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Polaris, the arctic foxPolaris, the arctic fox

Inside the zoo

Discover Québec's wildlife in a cozy
and natural setting.

In this page
Our vision

The Ecomuseum Zoo showcases Québec’s wildlife in a natural setting, where every detail is considered to ensure the well-being of the animals in our care. Our team stops at nothing to safeguard their mental, emotional and physical well-being. We love, and are fully devoted to, these animals in our care. With them and for them we raise awareness, we educate and we protect. Our message is theirs.

Canada’s Accredited Zoos and Aquariums

The Ecomuseum Zoo is accredited by Canada’s Accredited Zoos and Aquariums (CAZA), a private charitable organization representing the country’s leading zoological parks and aquariums. CAZA is committed to the advancement of accredited zoos and aquariums as humane agencies of animal welfare, conservation, science and education.

Did you know?
An ethical and ecoresponsible zoo

The only zoo exclusively dedicated to Québec wildlife, the Ecomuseum Zoo welcomes non-releasable animals that cannot return to the wild and provides them a safe and loving home within an organization entirely devoted to their well-being. Injured, orphaned or born under human care, the residents of the Ecomuseum Zoo don't have the abilities required to survive in their natural environment. The zoo's mission is centered on environmental education, the conservation of wildlife and its natural habitats and the well-being of animals.

Contribute to the cause
Thanks to your contributions, the Ecomuseum Zoo can continue its objectives of excellence in animal welfare.
Contribute to the cause
Our educational program
The Ecomuseum Zoo raises awareness among more than 35,000 children each year through its educational programs, encouraging environmental protection.
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Our conservation initiatives
Since its inception, the Ecomuseum Zoo has been working on the conservation of species and their habitats in Quebec, protecting threatened and vulnerable species.
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